Saturday, February 27, 2010


This post the other day reminded me of a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo we took in 2007, when M was just C's age.

They have some great exhibits at that zoo that let you get some awesomely close views of the animals.  M was fascinated by the fish.

This was back in her Binky days.  She couldn't go anywhere without her pacifier, and we had to bring extras in case God forbid we lost one or one fell on the ground, or else it would have been the end of the world!  We are all glad those days are over (she finally gave up her binky when she was 2.5), and for this exact reason, we never once offered C a binky.

The giraffe exhibit was one on of my favorites:

Later, baby M became a tiger herself. :-)

We have since tried to make the Lincoln Park Zoo an annual event.  Since Aunt E and Uncle S live walking distance to the zoo, it makes for an easy field trip and a nice visit.  We love spending time with family, especially when it involves seeing some neat exotic animals!

In 2008, I was pregnant with C, so it was not quite as involved of a trip. I was easily fatigued.  We first went north to the Peggy Notebart Nature Museum, which was great fun:


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