Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family Game Night

We used to have a regular family game night at my godfather's house.  It was always something we would look forward to, and enjoy thoroughly.  Someday I'd like to start a similar weekly tradition with M and C.   It's just a great quality time experience, especially when our weekdays can be so chaotic.

Tonight I would say was our first official Family Game Night.  My husband points out that we've played the game before, but it wasn't quite in the same context, and the experience never felt as authentic as it did tonight.  We played Super Why Bingo.  Every time someone got a Bingo, they won a gummy bear.  Yum.

There are very few games that M is developmentally ready to play.  I think our options will increase drastically as she gets a few years older.  For now, we have the following possibilities:
Any suggestions for other preschooler-friendly family games? Suggestions welcome.  We have ton of games already, but few that are geared toward her age.



  1. Payton has really gotten into playing games too. And I feel like she's learning at the same time. We play CandyLand (colors), Hi Ho Cherry-O (counting), and Chutes and Ladders (which she needs direction on).

  2. "hungry hungry hippos" and "kerplunk" and "jenga" are great games
