Friday, February 14, 2014

Beety St. Valentines Day!

To celebrate St. Valentines Day, we invited bestie A, J, and baby A over to make a special batch of pink and purple pancakes.  So special, in fact, that I was inspired to write a poem about the experience.

Beet Pancakes

Would you like a little pancake
made from flour and milk?
how about with veggies in it
pureed as smooth as silk?

Did you know this pancake
has beets to dye it pink?
Oh say, you don't believe me?
See the blender in the sink!

What better way to eat a pancake?
I'm like a magic pancake genie!
Can't wait to try more veggies
carrot, pumpkin, and zucchini!

What's even better than making beet pancakes and writing poetry about them?  Watching M eat the entire beet pancake and not realize until the last bite was stuffed in her cheeks that she just ate a vegetable - the horror!  The look on her face when she overheard the word beet.  Hilarious.  And Awesome.  And DELICIOUS.


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