Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wedding: The Main Event

After C's poor church behavior at the rehearsal the night before, I had already prepared myself not to see the wedding or M's flower girl routine.  To my surprise, however, C was in a very good and agreeable mood for the event.  He sat through the entire procession without fussing or outbursts.

M was a real attention-getter.  She tossed those flower petals up into the air like nothing I've ever seen.  It really was a fantastic performance.  I found out later that within five minutes of sitting down in the pew with grandma, both M and the ring bearer cousin R were sound asleep.

After the procession, C and I excused ourselves to the back of the church where he got pretty rambunctious.  We were able to get back into the ceremony just in time to witness the vows.  It was so beautiful I cried!

Congratulations to the stunningly beautiful bride and groom!


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